Backyard Bliss | 3 Golden Rules To Boost the Shelf Life of your Lawn Mower

Lawn mowers are essential for keeping your lawn grass trimmed and well manicured, but they can only do their job right if they are in top working condition. That's why you need to spend time taking care of your lawn mower regularly to ensure that it meets your expectations for a long time to come -- especially during those times when you want your lawn looking its manicured best.

Always Use Fresh Fuel

Keep in mind that the performances of lawn mowers are always affected by the fuel quality. If you're using old fuel that has been lying around for months in the back of your shed, you can't expect optimal performance from the lawn mower -- this is because build-up of moisture and octane loss in the fuel will compromise the engine performance. Use fresh fuel from a fuel station as much as possible before mowing the lawn. Drain the residual fuel out of your lawn mower by tipping it over into a suitable container.  Once you do this, restart and run the mower till it stops -- this gets rid of the remaining fuel. Removing fuel ensures the engine doesn't get compromised over time and prolongs the life of your lawn mower.

Change Oil and Air Filters

Just like every mechanical engine needs an oil change, your lawn mower too requires clean oil every once in awhile. Check your owner's manual for the procedure and oil recommendation since lawn mowers operate differently. The manual will also recommend how often you need to replace your lawn mower's oil filter. Prolonged usage of your lawn mower will cause the air filters to become clogged. If you have a disposable paper air filter, you can throw them away and replace them with a new one from a home improvement store. If you have a foam filter, you simply need to clean it with detergent and reuse it. You may need to oil it lightly before reusing to stop pollutants from fleeting through the foam.

Sharpen Your Blades

Keeping the blades sharp is important for a beautifully manicured lawn. Check that the spark plug is disconnected before you inspect the blades. If the blades are too blunt and cracked, you may need to replace them with new blades from your local home improvement store. If nothing needs to be replaced, you can use a blade grinder for sharpening the blades -- be sure to use safety equipment like goggles and gloves to avoid injuries.

By following these golden rules, homeowners can ensure that the shelf lives of their lawn mowers are boosted for many years to come.
